GCSD CEC meeting 5/24/21
- Review of meeting minutes -budget presentation from last meeting
- Discussion: Should the re-opening committee be reconvened once the new superintendent is in place? Survey parents to find out concerns; create videos for parents to see the buildings, especially as many parents have not been in the buildings before
- Fully remote student data as of 5/7
ECP 11% (14 stu)
LFJ 12% (32 stu)
HV 16% (36 stu)
Bailey 25% (81 stu)
WMH 28% (190 stu)
- Meeting Schedule for next year: 7-8:30 time; every month, possibly alternate in person and virtual sessions? How to get into the community more? Playdates at schools with playgrounds,(older student can babysit for community service), more involvement with PTA council
- Events to either highlight or initiate in the school community: Art show at Town Hall, Science Extravaganza, Supt tea and dessert, sign up opportunity for committees, CEC table at all events, partnership with the library, continued outreach to the senior community- “senior” prom and arts events, “art stroll”; Capitalize on PR team to highlight events and help to rebuild trust in the committee
- How to get ideas into action?
- What is the role of this committee? How does CEC work with existing organizations- PTA Council, Building leaders?
- Look at past events to see what was done, who was involved
- PTA council is advocating with school admit to create District back to school event with the goal to Bring Us Back as a Community
- Communications organizational chart needs clarity on WHO DOES WHAT!
- Nettie Jackson Extra Mile Award- Superintendent will convene committee; deadline for submissions passed
- Tenure decisions will be presented at 5/25 Board Meeting
- Importance of PR to the community about the 2021-22 school year. Contract with current PR firm is up for renewal in the Fall
- Website subcommittee presentation: some highlights
- Homepage needs to be up to date with regular news and announcements
- Hire a dedicated webmaster
- Quick find tabs
- Bring pictures of students to the forefront of the website
- Add alumni section
- Stories that PR team will tell should align with the priorities of the district
- PR firm should work with board leadership to get messages out
- Possibly use square space for new website, ensuring it works on mobile devices
- Current website cost is $15,000 per year
- Upcoming meetings:
- Education committee meeting- June 3rd
- New superintendent starting July 20th